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院级合作无国界,校企融合上台阶3 ——我院师生携手豪华酒店总经理,走进国际一流院校云课堂
[tyc86太阳集团]  发布时间:2022年07月27日

2022年7月26日,应美国华盛顿州立大学酒店业管理学院(School of Hospitality Business Management,本年度上海软科世界一流学科类别排名第十,以下简称SHBM学院)与瑞士凯撒里兹酒店管理大学(Cesar Ritz Colleges,本年度QS世界大学学科类别排名第六,以下简称Cesar Ritz )双学位项目Dr. Dipra Jha副教授的邀请,我院师生携手成都W酒店总经理Alain-Thomas Briere先生与长沙尼依格罗(Niccolo)酒店总经理Michael A. Ganster先生,走进了SHMB-Cesar Ritz在瑞士布里格校区的云课堂,为三个学院来自中国、法国、冰岛、缅甸、越南、泰国、俄罗斯、沙特阿拉伯、罗马尼亚等国60+名师生们带来了“Cross-cultural Dialogue on Hospitality Leadership”的主题分享。


长沙尼依格罗(Niccolo)酒店总经理Michael A. Ganster先生

成都W酒店总经理Alain-Thomas Briere先生

紧接着,我院副教授付静博士结合中国儒家、法家和道家的哲学思想,做了关于“Constructs in Leadership Philosophy in China”的主题交流,探讨了中国历史文化背景下对领导力的理解、影响及相关范式。




本次云课堂交流活动圆满结束。Dipra博士代表SHMB-Cesar Ritz两院双学位项目对贡献了精彩分享的嘉宾们表示感谢,对我院积极思考、踊跃交流的学生们表示赞赏。


Dr. Dipra Jha副教授与学生们

据悉,Alain-Thomas Briere总经理所领导的成都W酒店是万豪国际集团旗下的奢华酒店品牌,以“酷炫”、“潮流”的独特魅力成为了酒店设计业界的翘楚,也是将国际流行元素与不同都市个性色彩完美结合的典范。

Michael A. Ganster总经理所领导的长沙尼依格罗酒店是香港九龙仓集团旗下的奢华酒店品牌,是各大城市国际金融中心“时尚雅致”、“潮流风尚”的地标性业态,融合了传统元素与现代时尚,诠释了该酒店品牌对丝绸之路文化的理解及传奇旅行探险精神的向往。



From seeing the puzzles of students from Cesar Ritz colleges and hearing the answers of Hospitality leaders, it is very helpful to expand our horizon. It will be interesting to explore the relationship between leadership and Ruism, Legalism and Taoism. An awesome experience for me to learn from the webinar.

Z老师(行业导师):Big Thanks for Mr Thomas GM from W Hotel Chengdu and Mr Michael GM from Niccolo Hotel Changsha, who delivered wonderful presentations about Hospitality Leadership. The two GM share with us their work experiences, which are so helpful for all of us. I was impressed by their passions for the hospitality industry, leadership, professionalism, high energy, work experience, and outstanding record of academic achievement…. etc .

For me, Michael share with us the benefits of Empowerment, which inspired me a lot and let me know how to implement in my future work. What Dr Fu’s discussions on different leadership philosophies in ancient China is impressive.

Y同学(我院与NIDA联合培养研究生):Really appreciate the impressive sharing delivered by Mr. Ganster and Mr. Thomas. What impresses me the most is said by Mr. Thomas, "The foundation of leadership is building relationships. You cannot lead anyone if you don't have a relationship. You have to rely on the human part of leadership where you build relationships by having strong principles in mind, including integrity and inclusion”. If possible, I hope I can become an excellent leader and I can contribute to the hospitality industry in the future. Wish Mr. Ganster and Mr. Thomas the very best.

M同学(我院与NIDA联合培养研究生): During yesterday's sharing session, through Mr Micheal Ganster and Mr. Thomas,I know the uniqueness of Niccolo hotel and the W hotel. Both managers shared their precious experience. and insights with us. Besides,since the topic of the meeting is leadership,I learned fundamental traits for leadership in hospitality. Mr.Micheal emphasized the importance of empowerment. As a leader, except supervising the employee, the more important thing they should do is to lead the employee to a better path through sharing information and improving working skills…

I also taking other notes. Firstly, as the basic attribute of hospitality, it's crucial to remind ourselves that actually we provide lifestyles for customers rather than for boss, we should put customers' needs in an important place. The second thing I learned is to have connection with stakeholders in the hospitality industry. Working in hospitality industry means you have to meet people from all over the world, or go to different countries working in different hotels. For the people who want challenge and something exciting it's a good choice, at the same time, we should learn how to accept different culture and adapt ourselves.Lastly, pushing ourselves out of the comfort zone and keeping learning all the things that will be useful in our career. One skill that was mentioned yesterday was emotional intelligence. Mr.Thomas underlined that it's a skill that we need to learn whether in life or in job ,and give us four steps try to achieve it: understanding yourself, controlling yourself, understanding others and influencing others.

I'm so honored to have a chance to take part in yesterday's sharing session and appreciate two managers for their insightful sharing.









4.院级合作无国界、校企融合上台阶1--我院携手马来西亚泰莱大学酒店、旅游与赛事管理学院,云端访谈九寨沟丽思卡尔顿度假酒店现任总经理Marcel Damen先生(/info/1051/4638.htm)。

